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What started as a spontaneous sea dip after a late January jog on the beach, turned into a 12 month journey of self solitude, a state of mental well-being and gratitude.

Going back to that first sea dip in January, I remember it as a sort of naive and very minor near death experience in the most least dramatic way. I walked in not really thinking about the situation or consequences, and suddenly found myself in the coldest water I have ever been in. I lasted no longer than a minute or two and when I came out I was experiencing a sensation of hot, icy tingling. You’d think I would be put off for life. It was quite the opposite. I felt alive. I felt amazing. I felt a unique feeling that I had never experienced before. I had just done something I had never tried to do previously in my 26 years of existence, which was also something my body and mind was reluctant to do. But as soon as I sat on the beach staring back at what I had just been submerged in, I felt a great sense of achievement*.

From then on my ambition to get more in touch with nature and live more SACANTICAL was ignited, as was my sheer motivation to complete this task I had impulsively set myself - to get in the sea at least once every month for the rest of the year. 

The next 3 sea dips were mind over matter, and increasingly got easier. Just like anything, the more you do something, the easier it will get. This was one of the first messages the sea taught me. 

The most poignant lesson learned was in June’s sea dip. This was the halfway mark. Instead of just a sea dip, this time it felt different. A state of reflection. The June sea dip made me think of each previous sea dip in the year so far and where I was and what I was doing at that time. And at a few of those moments, I’ll be honest, I was pretty low. I was struggling in my head and struggling with work. I felt pretty uninspired and stuck, and lacked direction and hope. They were moments and feelings you think won’t change. That was it forever. However, as each month progressed, things did get that little bit better. Perspective changed. In June, there was inspiration and a lot more hope. My work situation got better, which in turn gave me more confidence, direction, and optimism for the future. What I learned from this state of reflection was however bad or bleak things feel or are, we have to hold onto hope. Because in time, things can get better, even when they really feel like they won’t. And the reason how and why I learned this was, 'the sea dips’. If I hadn’t done that spontaneous sea dip in January, I may have not had the reflection. This awakening. This change of perspective. Which makes this year of sea dips very meaningful to me, and something I am very grateful for. From now on, the sea will forever have a different and, may I say, special meaning to me.

As I said this was a journey of self solitude, gratitude and creating a better state of well-being. As I look back on the year, here are the lessons I have discovered because of these 12 sea dips. 

  • The sea. The world. Nature. It’s all incredible. Genuinely incredible. When you really sit back, have a think, take a look, it’s incredible. The sheer scope of all three, the power they have, their history, it makes you feel so grateful for life. It makes a lot of internal and external worries fall to the side when you’re in the sea. They lose their weight and burden. And the fact you and I can experience the sea, nature, and discovering the world whenever we want is quite a liberating feeling. 

  • The seasons change, and with it so does the temperature and character of the sea. The exact same sea, but different temperaments at different times. I find that quite symbolic for ourselves as humans. The sea and humans are very much alike.

  • When you get in the sea it's freezing. But the longer you withstand the cold, stay in the sea, the warmer and easier it gets. This is exactly like life. At first some experiences (especially new ones) can feel really hard. Anxiety and fear is high, your body immediately wants to run away from this experience. But the longer you withstand the anxiety, stay in the moment, the easier it gets to manage. Overcoming the coldness of the sea and overcoming anxious life experiences are very similar. 

  • A year is short. Months fly by. Which in turn means life is short. Life goes quickly. As cliche as it is, it means we have to make the most of them. We have to look at this in a positive way, and use it as motivation to try and do what we want to do in life, and not what we think people want us to do.

  • Things can change, very quickly. For better or worse. But they can change. Change is inevitable. 

  • No matter how you are feeling, whether that be in a good mood or a bad mood before entering the sea, after you walk in, submerge your head and body under, and walk out, you will feel 10x better before you went in.

  • To reconnect with the present moment and realign with your surroundings, get in the sea. 

  • Believe even the tiniest of small positive changes can and will make a difference however big or small. They all eventually add up. Those consistent small changes may be the difference we need for a good day and better life. 

  • As long as we’re true to ourselves, kind, keep turning up and stop giving a shit about the ugly, uncontrollable, materialistic (UN-SACANTICAL) ideas in life, things will get better.

  • Life isn’t that serious, as long as you’re a good person, try hard, and loved ones are happy and safe, that’s all that matters. Embrace the SACANTICAL. It’s what life is about.

I’m not saying getting in the sea will change your life. Don’t get me wrong, it might do, and I really hope it does if you need it to. What I’m saying is how important it is to try new things. To test your body, and put it through things it doesn’t want to do. Things that will make you stronger mentally and physically. Even if it’s just a little bit more than before. I only did 12 sea dips, but 12 sea dips has helped me 10 fold. Start small, go easy on yourself, and look to nature and gratitude. 

Here’s to 2025, and hopefully some sea dips with different views. (Sizewell Beach will always be the original of course). 

*it’s not lost on me how naive it was of me to do this. I probably shouldn’t have done it without a wetsuit or by myself, but luckily it all worked out. I got lucky. And if you are to do this for the first time it’s best to wear a wetsuit, always take a friend in case something happens, and don’t jump in at the deep end.

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